Bear Week VooDoo Ducks

BEFORE BERKELEY INTERVIEW Good afternnon, fellas, thank you for being here today during your bye week. Yellow VooDoo – Great to be here, Dee. VooDoo Mamba – Wouldn’t miss it. How about you, VooDoo D, you look worried. VooDoo D – Cal hurt LaMichael last year and it was a close game. Too close. Yeah, I’m … Continue reading

VooDoo Ducks Evolution

THE RETURN OF YELLOW VOODOO Coming home from Texas after LSU gave Yellow VooDoo the chance to make the changes needed. Since LSU means great football, and they have so much celebrated French culture, Yellow VooDoo and a beret is a natural fit. Since a beret isn’t Duck enough, Yellow VooDoo goes to the game … Continue reading