• Your VooDoo Duck

    To catch the spirit email voodooducks@gmail.com

    Will VooDoo Duck make a difference? With you and Oregon, yes.

    Will others make a difference? With VooDoo Duck, yes.

    Email questions about your VooDoo Duck.

Five Stages of Death, Dying, and the Ducks

Grieving The End Of Oregon’s Season by David Gillaspie originally posted on oregonsportsnews.com Sports fans love new teams on their radar. A fresh splash of color makes everyone take note; a flash on the field that piles up wins opens more eyes.  Fans love being the first to give predictions and why they are true. When their … Continue reading

No Cuts When Luck Runs Out

originally posted on oregonsportsnews What do you tell an old man in a hounds tooth hat sneaking ahead of you in the grocery store Express Line? You want to say, “Back of the line, pal, just like everyone else. It’s the same express for all of us.” But you have manners and say, “Sure. Slide right in, sir.” Part of … Continue reading

VooDoo Ducks Storm The BCS

originally posted on oregonsportsnews.com In science and sports, the higher up the evolution ladder you climb, the better the view. If you don’t believe in sports, think science. Take a snake and a monkey for example. No one sees a snake in the grass and dreams of living their life on their belly, but watching Cheetah swing through the trees makes you feel … Continue reading

Oregon Green Book

The State of Oregon, like the other forty-nine states, creates an image reflecting favorably on the region. Part of the image is the Blue Book. For some states it begins and ends with symbols and images. That’s their high water mark.  Not Oregon. Still a draw as a wonderland of natural beauty, Oregon also means football, big boy football, the sort of … Continue reading

To The Winners

A VOODOO KISS A Sun Devil’s kiss may burn your lips, but you do it anyway. A VooDoo smile does it in style for the next game to play. The Boulder Buffs play hard enough, like they always do. Leave the cow in the shed with Ducks overhead, for more quack, less moo.

The First #1 Duck, non-VooDoo

Originally posted on oregonsportsnews.com The greatest achievement of a professional football player’s career shows him standing on the Super Bowl podium raising the Lombardi Trophy in one hand, the MVP trophy in the other, and shouting “I’m going to Disneyland – World,” into a Mouseketeer microphone. Anything less is a huge drop-off until you review … Continue reading

VooDoo Of The Deep

When ocean waves thrash they make cliff sides crash, and on the beach leave their mark. Some see from the churning the Shroud of Turin, others see kelp and bark. VooDoo Deep is the secret you keep, in a cold place of your heart, where all that matters is how you finish and not how you … Continue reading

The Defense Never Rests

Originally Posted: http://www.oregonsportsnews.com/oregon-ducks-news/oregons-defense-a-fans-collection/ DUCK DEFENSE The graceful dance of receivers down a sideline draws a refined sort of fan. They appreciate the body control and balance on display, the sort of physical poetry found in the great ballet troupes of the world. It’s the other part that draws core football fans, the part where defensive backs launch into the soft … Continue reading